Stu's December Edu-News & Marketing to Schools Stats

Stu's December Edu-News & Marketing to Schools Stats

Welcome to December’s edition of Stu’s Edu News. I've been given a month off in January, but don’t worry, the very latest stats and facts will return in February. This month’s edition is a word count special!

Welcome to December’s edition of Stu’s Edu News. I've been given a month off in January, but don’t worry, the very latest stats and facts will return in February. This month’s edition is a word count special!

Stuart Morris
Stuart Morris
Published: 30th November 2017

the optimum word count in your emails to teachers

There’s only one graph to take a look at this month, but please don’t think I’ve been slacking. The truth is that putting this graph together turned into a bit of a mammoth project for reasons that will soon become clear!

1) Word Count Vs Click-Through Rate

The graph below shows the word count and click-through rates of hundreds of emails that we’ve sent for our clients over the past year. We have always recommended that our clients keep their message short, punchy, and to the point. However, even I was somewhat taken aback by the findings of my research.

Although not a perfect correlation, it’s clear that very often less is more, at least when it comes to words. Teachers don’t have time to trawl through lengthy text searching for the key message you’re trying to put across. As John said in his recent blog, keeping your email short and creating an air of intrigue around your call to action is often the best way to entice teachers to click through to your landing page.

Word Count Vs Click Through Rate

Here’s the latest news in the Education sector over the last few weeks...

Girls Outperform Boys at Problem Solving

Girls are able to solve problems better than boys according to a new study. The first global study on problem solving has been carried out by The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which assessed 125,000 15-year-olds to see how they performed collaboratively.

52 counties were involved in the test, and in all 52, girls outperformed the boys. OECD Secretary-General José Angel Gurría said, ‘In a world that places a growing premium on social skills, education systems need to do much better at fostering those skills systematically across the school curriculum’.

On average, including in the UK, girls were about half a year ahead of their male classmates in collaborative problem solving. Girls were 1.6 times more likely than boys to be top performers when it came to this skill, the study found.

However, findings made by the OECD in 2012 conveyed that in individual problem-solving tests, males performed better than females.

Nursery Closures

Ofsted has reported the loss of 1,146 nurseries and childminders since 2015. This has been seen to be largely down to the cost needing to be paid by parents. The Trades Union Congress found that the cost of childcare has risen four times faster than the average wage in the last 10 years.

Children and Families minister Robert Goodwill said, 'We are determined to support as many families as possible with access to high-quality, affordable childcare, and earlier this year we fulfilled our promise to double the free childcare available to working parents to 30 hours a week, saving them up to £5,000 a year per child. Hundreds of thousands of hardworking families are already benefiting from that offer.'

The Church of England Speaks on Transphobic Bullying

The Church of England has said that pupils should be able to find ‘who they might be…without exception or exclusion’. The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby went on to say, ‘We must avoid, at all costs, diminishing the dignity of any individual to a stereotype or a problem.'

The comments have been welcomed by LGBT charity Stonewall. The Archbishop's statement comes off the back of calls for pupils to be able to dress up in items such as tiaras and superhero cloaks without judgment or fear of bullying.

The Anti-Bullying Alliance showed that two in five children ‘hide aspects of themselves’ for fear of being bullied. Martha Evans from The Anti-Bullying Alliance has suggested that schools have ‘duties under law to ensure they do not discriminate against a pupil or prospective pupil by treating them less favourably because of their gender or sexual orientation’.

Education Marketing Education News Emailing Teachers Marketing to Schools

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