A Who’s Who Guide to UK School Staff (Part 2)
A Who’s Who Guide to UK School Staff (Part 2)
Target your schools marketing with our breakdown of the roles and responsibilities of every school decision-maker and influencer in the UK.
Target your schools marketing with our breakdown of the roles and responsibilities of every school decision-maker and influencer in the UK.
General Staff
Class Teacher - Influencer
More commonly in Primary Schools, particularly with mixed-year classes or job sharing, a class teacher is one who may not have a set year group or specialist subject. They’ll prepare and plan lessons, keep records, and set targets for their class to ensure pupil progression, but be supported and guided in terms of the curriculum and overall targets by their Department/Year Head.
Year Teacher - Influencer
Similar to the Class Teachers, Year Teachers will again be in charge of their classes’ lessons, attainment, and progress, supported in the curriculum by their Year Head. Again, Year Teachers are most likely to be found in Primary Schools, and may take part in job sharing across one year group, but most will have their own group of pupils they teach all year.
Nursery / Early Years Teacher - Influencer
A class teacher of the under-fives, Early Years Teachers focus on supporting young pupils through their development ready for Primary School. Like other class teachers, they’ll plan lessons and monitor progress, but these are based around their ability to learn and their personal, social, language, and motor skill development, rather than academic outcomes.
Special Education
Intervention Coordinator - Decision-Maker
Intervention Coordinators support pupils in achieving outstanding educational outcomes, working to close attainment gaps and promoting pupil enrichment by developing, organising, and monitoring achievement programmes with close support from the Pastoral Lead. They’ll monitor and support pupils in alternative education and new starters and transitions to facilitate progress.
Pastoral Lead - Decision-Maker
Pastoral Leads develop and sustain a healthy school environment to protect the welfare of all. They’ll lead the Year Heads and potentially a wider team of pastoral staff to develop strategies for interventions, positive behaviour, and increased attendance. They’ll also provide training and leadership for their pastoral team.
Pupil Premium Coordinator - Decision-Maker
This role has overall responsibility for organising and monitoring the interventions of all pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding. They will have the ability to plan, make, and track spending decisions, and work closely with the rest of the SEND and pastoral teams to develop targeted interventions inline with school results.
SENCO - Decision-Maker
The Special Educational Needs Coordinator oversees the day- to-day operation of the school’s SEND provision. They’ll assist with the identification of SEND pupils, creation and maintenance of Education, Health, and Care (EHC) Plans, co-ordination and assessment of appropriate provision, and communication with families and outside agencies and psychologists.
Gifted & Talented - Decision-Maker
The Gifted & Talented Lead work with such pupils to lead the strategic development of advanced curricula. Working closely with the pupils’ usual teachers, they’ll develop programmes, implement objectives, and monitor progress. They may be in charge of rolling out such projects throughout the whole school to raise general attainment.
Support Staff
Education Liaison Officer - Decision-Maker
The Liaison Officer facilitates partnerships with families, prospective pupils, other schools, and other external parties. With communication covering anything from addressing low attendance, sharing local services, or supporting new or leaving pupils, they will work closely with the majority of departments and staff.
Exams Officer - Decision-Maker
The Exams Officer oversees all aspects of examinations management within the school. This will include ensuring a safe arrangement, delivery, and submission of all exams and entries, coordinating exam fees, and leading their team of invigilators. They may have other roles, including supporting the finance or office teams, during non-exam periods.
Support Staff - Influencer
Support Staff work in a variety of jobs with the large majority of departments and colleagues. From supporting office staff with admin tasks, providing valuable resources to aid classroom delivery, or supervising SEND interventions with Learning Support staff, they are vital to the success and wellbeing of the school and its community.
Family Support Officer - Influencer
The Family Support Officer provides support, advice, and information to the families within the school’s community. Working closely with the SEND team to support disadvantaged pupils or families with complex needs, they’ll help build relationships, provide financial advice, coordinate external referrals, and arrange alternative education if necessary.
Learning Support - Influencer
Learning Support staff typically support the SENCO by guiding individual or small groups of pupils with special educational needs, providing targeted support and following the plans laid out by the SENCO, Intervention Coordinator, and Pupil Premium Coordinator.
Supply Teacher - Influencer
It is the role of Supply Teachers to maintain a quality standard of teaching and learning in the absence of the regular teacher. In the case of long-term cover, Supply Teachers are expected to plan their own lessons and assess pupils’ progress. For this reason, some Supply Teachers only choose to cover specific year groups or subjects, but many will cover a much wider field.
E-Learning Decision-Maker
It is the role of all E-Learning staff to provide a consistent experience of online and blended learning. They will be responsible for promoting and developing new material and activities for digital delivery, and will support and train all staff members and pupils in accessing such content. In collaboration with technology departments, they may procure new equipment and resources.
Head of Digital Strategy - Decision-Maker
Surging in necessity due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but remaining a permanent job role in most schools, the Head of Digital Strategy supports the organisation’s learning priorities by developing and supporting appropriate, sufficient, and outstanding digital learning across the whole school. They will coordinate and manage IT resources and staff in order to facilitate this, and will assist subject heads in setting goals for and planning their department’s digital strategy.
Head of Digital/Distance Learning - Decision-Maker
In some smaller establishments, the Head of Digital Learning may take overarching responsibility for the whole digital strategy. In other schools, however, particularly HE establishments, the Head of Digital Learning will have a smaller responsibility, focusing on the day-to-day running of online learning. They will work closely staff to offer support, help meet goals, and address issues, plus IT and Network staff to ensure digital learning systems are up and running, and fit for the job.
Data Manager - Decision-Maker
An establishment’s Data Manager is committed to ensuring the overall efficient and effective collection and use of data to inform development strategies and facilitate individual and whole-school achievement. In charge of the school’s Management Information System, they’ll work closely with many members of staff, including department heads when analysing test results, or SEND staff when using data to inform targeted interventions.
Catering Manager - Decision-Maker
The school’s Catering Manager is in charge of planning, organising, and providing catering services to students, staff, and visitors. This will include purchasing, stock-taking, maintaining hygiene standards, and meeting health and safety guidelines. They will have a role to play in the school’s healthy eating policy, and may also work closely with pupils to help prepare and learn life schools.
Health and Safety Coordinator - Decision-Maker
Health and Safety Coordinators are responsible for the welfare of all students, staff, and visitors on the school grounds. They will proactively communicate with everyone on all aspects of health, safety, and welfare, manage training courses, implement effective H&S arrangements, and advise school Heads and Directors if performance or compliance does not reach the required standards.
Counsellor - Influencer
School Counsellors provide a high-quality counselling service to students to support their mental health and wellbeing. They will also provide support, guidance, and advice across the school and to parents/carers; support the school in facilitating outstanding teaching and learning; and work closely with other members of staff (including the SENCO/DSL) to contribute to the safeguarding and promote the welfare of all students.
Enrolment Coordinator - Decision-Maker
A key member of the administration team, the Enrolment Coordinator supports both students entering the school, and those signing up for new subjects or courses. They’ll represent the school’s mission and values to welcome a new intake, be one of the first points of contact for new parents/carers, support the admin and marketing departments to increase their intake, and represent the school at off-site meetings or recruitment events.
Office Staff
Office Manager - Influencer
The Office Manager, under the guidance of the Head Teacher, is the responsible for the majority of the administration work in the school, and act as a point of communication for day-to-day discussions between pupils, families, and the Head Teacher. The Office Manager generally manages the Head Teachers schedule, plus maintains pupil records and handling employee relations.
Secretary/Receptionist - Influencer
Working directly underneath the Office Manager, the school Secretary assists with any and all administrative tasks set by their supervisor. They may take the place of the Office Manager in the case of an absence, but are typically less involved with the Head Teacher’s schedule, and focus more on daily admin tasks including attendance monitoring, answering telephone calls, and passing on emails to the relevant member of staff.
Student Services
Head of Student Services - Decision-Maker
The Head of Student services is in charge of delivering high-quality student support, including admin, accommodation, welfare, and social activities, to ensure high levels of student satisfaction. They’ll work closely with Directors, Heads, and pastoral staff to enhance the students’ school experience, minimise organisational risk, support student welfare, and provide an outstanding level of care.
Work Experience Coordinator - Decision-Maker
Typically working with Year 10 students and their Head of Year, the Work Experience Coordinator is solely responsible for managing, implementing, and supporting students in finding work experience placements. They’ll liaise with employers to maintain partnerships, ensure health and safety regulations are met, provide additional support for SEND pupils, and lead other staff members during placement visits.
Careers - Decision-Maker
Working closely with colleagues and external agencies, the Careers Advisor will be responsible for providing high-quality careers advice, guidance, and support throughout the school. They’ll lead the development and maintenance of a network of effective partnerships, may assist with coordinating work experience, and organise careers fairs, careers programmes, and gap year events.
Outdoors Staff
Outdoor Learning Coordinator - Decision-Maker
The Outdoor Learning Coordinator is responsible for delivering lessons that combine high-quality classroom teaching with being active outdoors. Their job is to ensure teaching goes beyond ‘a lesson taught outside’ to form a truly outdoor learning lesson. They will therefore work to provide adequate outdoor resources, seating, and cover, and work with all department staff to develop ways to bring their current curriculum outside.
Premises / Site Manager - Decision-Maker
The school’s Site Manager is responsible for the maintenance, cleaning, and security of school buildings. They will typically carry out basic repairs themselves, then set the priorities for maintenance and repairs which require external contractors, whom they will supervise while work is being carried out. The Site Manager is also typically involved with health and safety regulations around the school.
School Trip Organiser - Influencer
Supported by relevant department staff in the case of subject-specific trips, the School Trip Organiser handles the overall management of any and all school trips put forward by subject staff or the SLT. This includes making and handling all necessary Health and Safety procedures, policies, and risk assessments. They will also guide other staff members in leading and supervising school visits.
Technology and Media Support Staff
Librarian - Influencer
The school librarian is responsible for the running of the library or resource centre. They procure and maintain multi-format resources to support learning needs, and so work closely with subject teachers, e-learning staff, and SEND staff. They play an active role in supporting literacy targets, as well as whole-school learning targets.
Marketing Manager - Influencer
The school’s Marketing Manager leads the marketing, pupil recruitment, and communication strategies of the school. This includes developing and delivering marketing plans inline with the Head Teacher’s goals, creating material to communicate the school’s ethos to drive pupil numbers.
Network Manager - Decision-Maker
The school’s network manager lead the IT provision in the school, working with IT and Computing staff to provide the equipment and software to meet their aims and objectives. They’ll be in charge of developing and maintain the internal computer systems and network, providing IT support where necessary, and supporting online safety policies.
Teaching Assistant - Influencer
Like other support staff, Teaching Assistants play a vital role in the running of the school. They support individual and groups of pupils in their educational and personal development, with some working exclusively with SEND pupils. They typically assist with other classroom duties, including classroom or lesson preparation, or supervising trips and extracurricular activities.
Technology Technician - Influencer
Managed by their Network Manager, Technology Assistants provide IT support where necessary to aid the delivery of IT-based learning. This will typically include basic maintenance and repairs, installing and configuring new hardware and software, and otherwise supporting the Network Manager with their usual tasks.
Reprographics - Influencer
The Reprographics staff assists the administration team by photocopying, preparing, and finishing materials for staff and students when requested by class teachers and other departmental staff. During quiet periods, the Reprographics technicians may assist with other office management and administrative duties.
Science Technician - Influencer
Science Technicians support a high-quality delivery of science by assisting the classroom teacher with any necessary tasks. This typically includes maintaining equipment, setting up experiments, offering practical help to pupils, and potentially even ordering new resources and keeping the department’s budget.
What Next?
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