My Take On The Scottish Independence Debate
My Take On The Scottish Independence Debate
There can’t be many people in the UK that haven’t been absolutely gripped by the debate over Scottish independence durin...
There can’t be many people in the UK that haven’t been absolutely gripped by the debate over Scottish independence durin...
There can’t be many people in the UK that haven’t been absolutely gripped by the debate over Scottish independence during the last week. Watching my fifth hour of BBC News last night it struck me how powerful the concept of change is.
Half of us look at change and see risk. The other half look at change and see opportunity. But no matter whether you see risk or opportunity, there’s something about change that just gets all of us worked up!
That’s why change is absolute gold dust for your marketing to schools (and let’s face it there’s been plenty of change to education under this government). You need to seek out these changes and focus on them when you email teachers.
To help get those cogs in your brain turning, I’ve listed below my top 5 changes that are currently sending the mercury skywards in our schools:
1. The Primary Curriculum
This September we’ve seen seismic changes to the primary Curriculum including the introduction of computer programming for 5 year olds and making MFL mandatory at KS 2. I’ve only got one word for these changes; ‘Crikey!’
2. The Abolition of ‘Levels’
With ‘levels’ being abolished this September, primary schools are having to find new systems for demonstrating progress and attainment this year. Cue much uncertainty.
3. New SEN Code of Practice
The new SEN Code of Practice is a daunting document and has profound and far reaching implications for school communities.
4. Performance Related Pay
Schools can now link teachers’ pay to their performance, with pay awards now depending on whether teachers have been able to meet performance targets, teacher standards and career stage expectations.
5. Free School Meals
From September this year every 5-7 year old in each of England’s 16,000 plus Primary Schools is eligible for free school dinners. This means huge changes for schools, many of whom will have to either extend their catering facilities or arrange for external provision.
These changes (and many, many more) represent your chance to excite those teachers that look at change and see opportunity and comfort those teachers that look at change and see only risk.
Marketing to Schools
Emailing Teachers
Selling to Teachers
How to Sell to Schools
Primary School Email Addresses
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