Introducing... The UK Teacher and School Insights Module
Introducing... The UK Teacher and School Insights Module
Access essential buying data from teachers and school staff to power up your marketing campaigns - directly from your education CRM!
Access essential buying data from teachers and school staff to power up your marketing campaigns - directly from your education CRM!
For the last two years, we’ve been collecting important data from thousands of UK teachers and school staff members on all manner of topics, all designed to inform your sales strategies and fast-track you to the front of their buyers’ lists.
This data has been available free of charge to all businesses in the education sector over in our Academy (where you can find a plethora of other valuable resources for your marketing strategies).
(If you missed this year’s edition, don’t worry – you can still download the State of Selling to Schools 2022 report here.)
Now, we’re pleased to announce all of this data is now available directly in Campus, our education-focused CRM.
Introducing: The UK Teacher and School Insights Module
The UK Teacher and School Insights module is a detailed resource that provides you with the temperature of how UK school staff feel about pertinent issues and hot topics affecting their sector. There are different categories from Budgets and Spending through to Wellbeing in Schools which you can navigate and drill into the rich data sets using job role, establishment, pupil, and location filtering to give you insights into the sector and help you shape your marketing and communication strategies, solve schools’ problems, and ultimately make sales!
Essential buying data straight from the source
Our yearly State of Selling to Schools reports, distributed every January, brings you the most up-to-date data for the year ahead directly from the school influencers and decision-makers.
This data has been crucial for education businesses this year, as they’ve been able to tailor their selling-to-schools strategies for the year ahead, altering their approach in-line with schools’ goals, requirements, and spending schedules for the year ahead.
Now, you can break down this data even further. View the results from both 2021 and 2022, and use our interactive map to filter by job role, school type, number of pupils on roll, region, county, or local authority. You’ll know, for example, what time of year schools in Wales make their purchasing decisions, and if this differs to schools in London, or whether student wellbeing is just as important to Secondary Schools as it is to Primary Schools. Over the coming years, you’ll see how all of these trends change, be able to make predictions for the future of education, and adjust your product or service accordingly to get one step ahead of your competitors.
The possibilities are (almost) endless – and we’re excited for you to start your analysis!
Nine categories (and growing) of essential data
Budgets and Spending
Investigate data on who makes what purchasing decisions, when decisions are made throughout the year, and where schools are planning to spend their budgets.
COVID Impact
School staff opinions focused on how COVID impacted their working life and their pupils, and what they want most to navigate the stresses of working on the frontline during a pandemic.
Discover teacher/staff opinions on all things EdTech, from user experience to remote learning.
Understand how school fundraising decisions are made, who is in charge of these decisions, and when is the right time to approach schools with a fundraising package offer.
Marketing Strategy
Understand the content, approach, offers, calls to action, and communication channels that teachers/staff want you to use to win them over as a customer.
School Strategy and Priorities
Discover how schools are executing their strategies, and the areas, issues, and facilities within the schools that staff see as priorities for improving and investing in this year.
Staff Opinions
Understand what staff want from you, and how they want you to communicate with them, and any steps you can take with your education marketing to win them over.
Strategy Timing
Understand the best time to schedule your campaigns and stagger your strategy throughout the academic year to ensure your results are maximised to their full potential.
Insights into the school mental health and wellbeing crisis. Uncover the school types and job roles under the most pressure and what is needed to solve this spiralling problem.
Plan a more powerful marketing to schools strategy
Our interactive data charts will simplify your marketing efforts by giving you hoards of extra data to rely on, all in one place, without you having to spend time and money conducting your own research. From shaping this term’s special offers, to writing and scheduling your marketing emails, you’ll have all the data you need at your fingertips – like your own personal education marketing assistant!
With all this intelligence, you’ll be able to plan your most powerful marketing strategy yet that strikes directly at the heart of what schools and staff really need, exactly when they need it.
Get in touch today and we’d be happy to talk you through the new module in more detail, and help you gain access to some of the industry’s most ground-breaking data.
Simply click here to book your free demo, and take your first step towards connecting with your education audience. Or, if you're already a Campus subscriber, get in touch with our friendly team on and they'll talk through your options with you.
Education Data
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