Marketing to Schools Blog

A blog for education businesses ready to sell more to schools.

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Our Free State of Selling to Schools Report"
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Education News

Edu-News & Marketing to Schools Stats for November

This month I’m celebrating how our clients are experiencing higher open and click rates than the same period 12 months ago. Great news I'm sure you'll agree!
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Emailing Teachers

Marketing to Schools: Are You Asking Yourself The Right Questions?

In this blog, John explains how he was only able to create a killer marketing strategy for one client when he learned to ask the right question...
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Emailing Teachers

Put Your Email on a Vegan Diet: Optimisation Tips From Our Newest Copywriter

In this blog, Sprint Education's newest content curator explains how her vegan diet helps her keep clients' emails lean and focused.
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Marketing to Schools

What I’ve Learned in 10 Years of Running Sprint Education – Lesson #4

In the last of the series, Sprint Education Co-Founder, Guy reminisces about some of the failed side projects he almost got sidetracked by.
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Marketing to Schools

What I’ve Learned in 10 Years of Running Sprint Education – Lesson #3

This week Sprint Education Co-Founder, Ben explains why hiring people he knew helped the business to establish a loyal, talented, and trusted team.
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Marketing to Schools

What I’ve Learned in 10 Years of Running Sprint Education – Lesson #2

This week Co-Founder, Guy explains how he learned not to waste energy worrying about competitors imitating Sprint Education.
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Education News

Stu's October News: A Subject Line Special

This month, we'll be focusing on how including a few key words in your subject line can impact on your campaign's open rate.
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Marketing to Schools

The Lessons I’ve learned in 10 years of running Sprint Education…

Over the next few weeks Sprint Education Co-Founders, Ben and Guy will be sharing the most valuable lessons they've learned over the past 10 years.
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Education News

Revealed: The Optimum Number of Days Between Your Campaigns

Welcome to September’s edition of Stu’s Edu News where, among other things, I’ll be revealing the optimum number of days between your emails to teachers.
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Education News

The Key Factors Behind Your Open, Click, And Unsubscribe Rates

This month, I’ll be sharing more detailed stats from our clients' campaigns in order to help you maximise your success when selling to schools!
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3 Email Templates For The 3 Stages of Your Sales Funnel

In this blog I’ll show you 3 tried and tested email templates that you can go back to again and again to grow your subscriber list and make more sales.
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Education News

Revealed! The Best Months of the Year for Your Marketing

Welcome to July’s edition of Stu’s Edu-News, where I share the latest facts and stats from clients' campaigns (including a couple of real shocks!).
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