Marketing to Schools Blog

A blog for education businesses ready to sell more to schools.

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Education News

Can You Plug The PSHE Gap in Schools? [5 Top Tips]

Sprint Copywriter Dan explores the big opportunity for PSHE providers to play a key role in the education sector.
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Education News

The Very Latest Marketing to Schools News and Stats

Every month Sprint Education's resident statistician and number cruncher, Stu is going to be sharing the very latest education marketing stats and topical news stories in order to ensure you've always got your finger on the marketing to schools pulse!
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Campus: What’s New March 2017

Welcome to our periodic update that highlights the recent improvements we’ve made to Campus, so you can easily stay up to date with what’s new.
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools

The Psychology of Marketing to Schools

Katie, the newest addition to the Sprint team, explains how she uses her understanding of human behaviour to write mind-bending copy for her clients.
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Emailing Teachers

11 Ways to Increase Click-Through Rates

How can you make your call to action buttons more 'clickable' so teachers are powerless to resist clicking through to your website?
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Marketing to Schools

Education Marketing to Millennials (In a Nutshell)

Discover how to market to the growing number of millennial teachers
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Marketing to Schools

Marketing to Schools in 2017: 10 Game-Changing Trends

Here’s our rundown of the 10 most important trends to have on your marketing to schools radar in 2017…
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Marketing to Schools

2007-2017 How We Built a Company We Want to Work For

Find out how we made the big decision to buy new offices by being guided by our company culture and ultimately creating a company we want to work for.
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Emailing Teachers: 50% of Are Now Opened On Mobiles

In this blog, Sophie explains why it's so important to think mobile when emailing teachers.
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Campus | Emailing Teachers

Campus: November's Big Announcement

Welcome to our periodic update that highlights the recent improvements we’ve made to Campus, so you can easily stay up to date with what’s new.
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Emailing Teachers

How to Email Teachers and Double Your Click-Thrus

How to double the number of clicks through to your website the next time you email teachers.
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Emailing Teachers

How 3 Emails to Teachers Generated Over 400 Enquiries

In this blog, Umar Hameed (Director at Athletes in Schools) explains how Sprint Education created a 3-phase email strategy that generated over £50,000 in bookings.
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