Marketing to Schools Blog

A blog for education businesses ready to sell more to schools.

”If you are serious about multiplying your sales to schools you MUST download:
Our Free State of Selling to Schools Report"
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Marketing to Schools

Marketing to Schools Through the Ages: The Evolution of Our Logo

The story of how and why the Sprint Education logo has evolved over the last 10 years
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Emailing Teachers

Emailing Teachers: Just How Hot is Your Content?

When it comes to marketing we're all skim-readers. So, what does this mean for you when you're emailing teachers?
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Marketing to Schools

Don't Focus On Your Competition. Aim Higher.

How much time should you really devote to keeping tabs on your competitors?
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Education News

5 Conversations Happening in Staff Rooms Right Now

In this blog I’m going to take a look at some of the big changes happening in education right now, while also focusing on how you can seize upon them in order to help schools facilitate change and grow your business.
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Campus: What’s New July 2016

Welcome to our periodic update that highlights the recent product improvements we’ve made, so you can easily stay up to date with what’s new.
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Marketing to Schools

Save An Hour Every Day With These Fab Outlook Shortcuts!

A selection of Outlook shortcuts that will help your team work faster and smarter by speeding up even the quickest and most mundane jobs!
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Emailing Teachers

Thinking of Packing Away Your Education Marketing for the Summer? (Read this First)

While the rest of the selling to schools universe parks their marketing for the summer, ready for that big push in the first week of September (when teachers’ inboxes will be inundated), why don’t you sneak in under the radar and fill the void?
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Emailing Teachers

The Next Generation Email

Last year we sent our techie team on a little excursion, with their packed lunches in hand, to the annual Litmus Email Design Conference in London. Here's what they learned about the future of email marketing.
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools

How a Full-Year Strategy Helped SAM Learning Increase Sales by 13%

At Sprint Education we're used to working under pressure. However, when Gareth Mellor told me that he'd basically used u...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | School Budgets | School Premises Services

How a 3-Phase Email Strategy Generated Sales of £350k for Spacebuilder

We love nothing more at Sprint Education than sharing our clients' successes. That's why we were absolutely bowled over...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | Inbound Marketing | Campus

How Guzled Revolutionised Their Education Marketing By Following Our New Blueprint

In this very special blog post, we're going to hear from one of the many clients who has already used our new blueprint...
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