Marketing to Schools Blog

A blog for education businesses ready to sell more to schools.

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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools

An Email Marketing Lesson Courtesy of ‘The X Factor’

I like to think that writing the content for clients’ marketing to schools campaigns has turned me into a finely tuned e...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | School Premises Services

The Battle in the Inbox: Round 3 - Getting Responses

Today is the final part of my analysis of what happened when two premises companies used an email campaign to promot...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | Website | Inbound Marketing | School Premises Services

The Battle in the Inbox: Round 2 - Getting Engagement

Today is the second part of my analysis of what happened when two companies used an email campaign to promote the sa...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | School Premises Services

The Battle in the Inbox: Round 1 – Getting the Email Opened

Hopefully you’ve now had chance to take a good look at the infogram I posted last week, highlighting the plight of t...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | School Premises Services

The Battle in the Inbox: New Infogram

At Sprint we’re constantly analysing the results from the email marke...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools

The Peggy Mitchell Effect - 7 Steps to Short and Feisty Schools Marketing

Often the most difficult part of writing a marketing email is getting started. That’s why, when writing copy for clients...
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Education News | Emailing Teachers | School Budgets

Schools Urged to Buy in Careers Advice for Their Pupils

I remember the excitement I felt in my final year of secondary school when we were given access to a computer programme...
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Emailing Teachers | Education Data

School and Teacher Data Changes Fast: Are You Keeping Up?

As anyone who has ever tried to farm eggs on an industrial scale will tell you; the more chickens you have the more eggs...
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Emailing Teachers | Website

Email Landing Pages Part 4: Scan

I expect many of you are currently busy preparing your email content in readiness for contacting schools in the Autumn t...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | Videos

VIDEO: Train up your email content

When we work on our clients' education marketing campaigns we focus on 3 key points when working on the content. If you...
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Emailing Teachers | Website

Email Landing Pages Part 3: Trust

Last week we looked at how your email landing page has just 5 seconds to capture teachers' attention. Fail to make an im...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | Website

Email Landing Pages Part 2: Scent

If you're planning to email schools in the Autumn Term then I'm sure you will see an avalanche of interested teachers cl...
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