Marketing to Schools Blog

A blog for education businesses ready to sell more to schools.

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Our Free State of Selling to Schools Report"
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Emailing Teachers | Website

Email Landing Pages Part 1: Five Seconds to Impress

With schools winding down for the summer holidays and companies putting their marketing to schools on ice, I thought I s...
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Marketing to Schools

Overcoming Cynicism Tip #5: Be a Real Person

My final tip for overcoming cynicism in your marketing to schools is to ensure that your message looks like it’s coming...
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Marketing to Schools

Overcoming Cynicism Tip #4: Exist in the Here and Now

Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of marketing email. Email 1 is typically written far in advance and sent out pe...
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Marketing to Schools

Overcoming Cynicism Tip #3: Size Doesn’t Always Matter!

Many companies that sell to schools are so concerned with their image that they spend the first paragraph of their marke...
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Marketing to Schools

Overcoming Cynicism Tip #2: Don’t Claim… Demonstrate

My second tip for sidestepping cynicism in your marketing to schools again focuses on the part of your message where you...
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Marketing to Schools

Overcoming Cynicism Tip #1: Avoid Hype-Filled Language

To successfully sell to schools today it is essential that you are able to overcome your audience’s innate cynicism in m...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools

The Biggest Challenge Facing Companies that Sell to Schools

Cynicism is a very modern disease. One that is steadily permeating every aspect of our lives and changing the way we vie...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools | Social Media

Marketing to Schools: Are You Thinking Agile Enough?

Agile marketing is a phrase that’s being used a lot in marketing circles at the moment. It’s something we’ll probably co...
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Marketing to Schools

Marketing to UK Schools: The Pitfalls of Being Relevant

Yesterday the government unveiled the new look GCSE for schools in England, moving away from coursework and continuous a...
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Education News | School Budgets

More Great News: School Spending Set To Dodge The Cuts Again!

We’ve all had to get used to hearing bad news about the economy in recent years. Rising inflation and slow wage growth h...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools

Selling to Schools: 5 Critical Questions Concluded…Question 5

We’ve reached the concluding part of our analysis of the perfect marketing to schools email. So far we’ve been looking a...
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Emailing Teachers | Marketing to Schools

5 Crucial Questions Continued… Part 4

We’re getting to the nitty-gritty now... four fifths of the way through our careful dissection of the perfect marketing...
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